Friday, June 1, 2012

007 Legends Beta Key Giveaway

007 Legends Beta Key Giveaway

Game Introduction: 007 Legends features an original overarching storyline tying together six classic Bond movies to have an original James Bond experience and equips players with state-of-the-art spy gadgets an arsenal of weapons and more.In addition to 007 Legends main story the overall game features the return of fan-favorite single-player Mi6 Ops Missions which debuted in GoldenEye 007 Reloaded and challenges players to complete extra missions which range from all-out action to stealth and gadget-based gameplay and compete for your highest online leader board scores. Also fo r that very first time ever players will be in a posture to participate as one of Bond s cohorts or villainous foes reliving the missions through their eyes also as 007 s. Meanwhile the robust James Bond multiplayer experience includes local four-player split-screen game modes and online competitive gameplay with new maps weapons and characters produced from Bond s 50 year legacy. With more gadgets deeper stealth and spy investigation gameplay gamers could have every possibility to truly feel like the world s favorite spy.

STEP 1 - Download by clicking the Button Below.
STEP 2 - Save this in your desktop and open it.Generate BetaKey
STEP 3 - If the truth is an error then make certain you've got .Net Framework 4 installed for you system.
STEP 4 - Install the game with Key and enjoy

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007 Legends Beta Key Giveaway


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